Tips on Fueling Your Trailer Rental

trailer rental

Tips on Fueling Your Trailer Rental

May 6, 2024  |   No Comments Yet

You just rented a trailer for your big move across the country. Congratulations! Now comes the not-so-fun part of fueling up the truck and trailer. Gas stations can already be headache-inducing mazes, and adding a 20-foot trailer into the mix doesn’t make it any easier. Luckily, with a few tips and tricks, you’ll be fueling your trailer rental in no time.

Prepare Ahead of Time

Before you even hop into the driver’s seat, make sure you know exactly what you’re working with. When you picked up your trailer rental, did they mention the fuel type and tank capacity? Double-check so you can fill up efficiently. Nothing wastes time and energy like realizing you have diesel when you need regular unleaded halfway through pumping. According to our experts, semi-engines can hold 15 gallons of oil and more. Keep this in mind and keep an eye on gas station signs to ensure your trailer can fit at the pump.

Use Truck Stops

Plan your route to pass truck stops and travel centers whenever possible. Unlike many gas stations, they are designed specifically for big rigs and trailers. The pumps and lanes are wider, with more space to maneuver. Take advantage of these accommodations to avoid frustrating tight squeezes with your trailer.

Unhitch If Needed

While truck stops are ideal, you may have to stop at a regular gas station here and there. If it’s looking impossible to finagle the trailer into position, just unhitch at the entrance and temporarily park the trailer. Fuel the truck only then reconnect when you have more room. It takes extra time but beats an accident.

Pay at the Pump

At any gas station, choose to pay at the pump, not inside. This prevents losing your spot in line, which is especially crucial with a trailer blocking the way. Plus, you won’t risk leaving the trailer unattended. For security, pay in cash or use a credit card rather than debit.

Check Your Route

Don’t assume that all fuel stops allow trailers. Before getting off the highway or into town, verify that your route has accommodation. Nothing sets you back further than having to reroute 10 miles because a station won’t allow your trailer. Careful planning makes all the difference.

Above all, don’t let fueling your trailer rental become a point of anxiety. Just focus on the destination and take each stop one pump at a time. Soon, you’ll be a pro at maneuvering your home on wheels around the gas station. Reach out to Chicago Trailer Pool today if you’re looking to rent a trailer.
